Updated 8:15 PM 29/03/01

Liberty Basic Software

from the LEFT COAST



Function Library
Subroutine Library

Ethics Code
About Us



To start I would like to introduce the programming team for this site, and related software. They are me, myself and I.
Sorry about that, but thats the extent of my humour.
I work as an Electronics Technician in a maintenance facility. Currently my computer programming level would be considered at a novice (aka newbie) level. Time requirements currently don't allow me to go beyond this. I hope to learn more about programming and provide any helpful information to others where I can. If your wondering, my family and I live on the West Coast of Canada in
Beautiful British Columbia.

For those who may be interested, this site has been totally written using Notepad.


Copyright(c) 2000 2001 Neil Tremblay Since March 2001